Turkey Earthquake
So, I just wanted to do a quick blog post here, partly as a way of connecting with other tutors during this sad period and also as a kind of cathartic release. Earlier…
Free trials, PH’s and Penises oh my!
Before I start this post I want to say kudos to Cambly for continually updating and improving the platform for tutors. This post is about a much welcomed change in free trials and…
How to make a great Cambly application video.
Hi guys, and welcome back to “Alice’s Adventures in Camblyland”. Sorry I’ve not posted lately, but I’ve had a hectic start to the New Year. Also it seems there are lots of new…
Happy Holidays!
We’ll be taking a break for the next few weeks here in Camblyland as we prepare for a new teaching year while enjoying the holidays. 2021 was a good year for tutoring, with…
“Cambly your pay is too low!”
OK, now that I’ve got your attention, let’s talk money. Cambly pays $10.20 an hour (£7.45, €8.70). Now I don’t know about the rest of the world, but in the UK the…
Cambly, what to know before you join.
So, you’ve looked at my other post “What is Cambly?” , now you’re thinking of joining Cambly and you may have a few questions before clicking that join button. On this page we’ve…
New Tutor FAQ’s…. AKA what you didn’t read in the Cambly Tutor Guide
Updated. Sep 28. (we got a few follow up questions and decided to edit rathar than make a new post 🙂 ) As you’ll already know, if you’re a regular visitor to the…
My Cambly Wish List.
I’ve been on Cambly for just under two years now and as I’ve spent a lot of time on the platform, there are of course a few things I’d like to see updated…
The Cambly “student can’t call me” issue.
Guest post by The White Rabbit. Hi all, this is just a quick post to help those tutors experiencing the recent issue where you have a reservation and you think the student…
What!!! They’ve updated the tutor rating system?
This is more a personal opinion post than a hint/tip…. So yeah, here we go. As I said in my previous post, the tutor rating system is the most discussed aspect of Cambly,…