Holy crap, it’s a penis!

Today was another memorable day in my travels around Camblyland. I’ve had lots of memorable days on Cambly and this was one of them, but for all the wrong reasons.  Yes folks, today I saw my first penis. OK, it wasn’t my first, I mean I have seen one  before, but this my first time seeing one on Cambly.  Also, can I just take some  time here to say… WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH SOME MEN!!

Seriously, I’m a tutor, I’m here to teach and encourage students.  I’m not here to be exposed (no pun intended) to the low life that assume all women have an urge to see their junk at every single opportunity. I suppose with the nature of the Cambly platform,  (one to one video) it’s obvious it will be abused. But in Cambly’s favor, they do a great job at trying to prevent this and are very empathetic to the needs of their tutors in these situations.

Weirdo alert!

But Alice, I hear you ask, “what happened and what did you do?”  Ah, I’m glad you asked. Well, there I was, on a PH as usual and taking calls.  I answered the call and it was a guy lounging on a couch.  Nothing weird there, some students like to relax while taking a lesson. However after a few minutes of conversation, he asks me “Teacher can I ask you a question?” I replied ”of course you can” and then he said  “What do you think of this?” and moved the camera down to where he was exposed.  Well I had heard from other tutors that this could happen and I was prepared.  My reply was “Let me just reach over here for my magnifying glass”  and I hit the ban button, sending his sorry butt off into the depths of  Camblyland wilderness.

To ban or not to ban, that is the question.

Cambly knows that their platform may be open to abuse and they have empowered tutors with a ban/hide button. Basically a “Ban” will remove the student from Cambly and prevent them coming back, while the ‘Hide’ button will make you invisible to the student. I actually used ‘Hide’ last week, yeah I’m looking at you, creepy “Hey baby, want some fun, here’s my number” guy!

If you want to prevent a student from abusing other tutors, hit the ban button. If you just feel a student is not for you or they make you uncomfy, hide from them. Whichever you choose, you can of course also contact Cambly and report the students as well.  

On a final note. Men, we don’t want to see your ‘thing’.  First off it’s ugly, and secondly, the best place for it is in your pants, and not in a Cambly PH!

Until next time. Alice.

“Off with their heads!”


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