The art of writing a good bio
Once you’ve joned Cambly, one of the first things you’ll want to do is set up the bio that your prospective students will see. Apart from a nice smiley pic, and your rating,…
Cambly, what to know before you join.
So, you’ve looked at my other post “What is Cambly?” , now you’re thinking of joining Cambly and you may have a few questions before clicking that join button. On this page we’ve…
New Tutor FAQ’s…. AKA what you didn’t read in the Cambly Tutor Guide
Updated. Sep 28. (we got a few follow up questions and decided to edit rathar than make a new post 🙂 ) As you’ll already know, if you’re a regular visitor to the…
My Cambly Wish List.
I’ve been on Cambly for just under two years now and as I’ve spent a lot of time on the platform, there are of course a few things I’d like to see updated…
The Cambly Tutor Rating System
I think this topic more than any other is the most talked about on Cambly Corner. Tutors will anxiously wait for Thursday to roll around to see if their rating has changed.…
Cambly and Tutor Safety
All Cambly tutors recently received an email about tutor safety. While we here in Camblyland applaud the ongoing and excellent efforts made by Cambly to ‘commit ourselves to tutor safety and create a…
Cambly. The tutor admin panel
This is a guest post by a Cambly Supertutor AKA “The White Rabbit”. We received a message asking about joining Cambly and what happens once you join. This is the blog that…
To ban or not to ban, that is the question.
Verily I sayeth unto thee, doth thou knowest whenst to baneth and whenst to hideth? Yep, old Billy Shakespeare is probably turning in his grave now! But the point remains, do you know…
Your first Cambly class. Hints & Tips
Today’s post is from a guest blogger. Sharon is from the UK and is a Cambly Supertutor. Do I have any tips?, Well actually, yes I do! So before you press that…
Cambly. What is it and how did it start?
Updated June 10th ’24 I’ve been with Cambly for just over a year now and this is the question I get asked most often. “Cambly? What’s that?” So in this post I’m going…