Alice Jones’ Diary.

For those of you who have asked me about my days on Cambly and how my tutoring life is going……

With a nod to the wonderful Helen Fielding, brings you the diary of a 20 something tutor on Cambly.


Alice Jones’ Diary

Have decided to keep a diary as tutor on cambly. Should be fun.


Not New Year, but decided on a few resolutions for the rest of the year. My pre New Year’s resolutions.

1. Earn more money.  (have  holiday to Paris to pay for!).

2. Keep supertutor status and get rating to 5.0

3. Stop biting my nails (Nasty habit)

4. Be stricter with “no shows”.

5. Stop next door’s cat pooing in the garden…. well, the  tiny strip of grass about 2 feet by 3 feet behind my flat.

6. If apply for Cambly position for 4th time, make sure to get past first step!!!


Mon 25th October

Student  reservations 12. (v. good)  Anxiety level 5. Cups of coffee 1. (good.) No shows 1. Last minute cancellations 2. ( bad).  Classes missed 1.  (expecting visit from Cambly Police)

Had visit from sister today. Silly cow called while I was in class. Tried to ignore the doorbell until student said “Teacher, what is that ring sound.”  Was so flustered forgot to give correct use of gerund. Sister having relationship issues, using me as a comforter. Wish she’d at least call ahead. Cancelled following class and consoled little sis. Am sure  Cambly police will be looking for me.


Tue 26th October

Reservations 10. (good)  Anxiety level 2.  Cups of coffee. 6 (v. bad)  Cancellations 0.  Penises 1. (v. small).  No shows 2.

No sign of Cambly police. Relieved. Saw yet another penis. Laughed and told him “Really? I should think you’d want to keep something that small covered up!” Bloody free trials. Hit ban button and grabbed a choccy bar. Twirl ftw. Rest of day fine, but sister asked me to visit tomorrow, so had to cancel several PH’s at short notice. Am now probably top of Cambly police Top Ten wanted list.


Wed 27th October

Reservations 2.   PH’s 5 (cancelled 4). Crazy sisters 1. (v. annoying)  Cups of coffee 0.  (v.good)  Cats in garden 1.

Spent time with sis. Came home to find bloody cat from next door pooing in my garden again. Am sure he was smiling at me. Opened window and threw first thing I could find at him. Memo. Treat self to new Gryffindor mug. Burnt finger while making dinner just before my reservation, student noticed blister, discussion about dangers of microwave curry ensued. Still not heard from Cambly Police! Am fugitive.







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